Ev0lanD IS a journey through the historY of action,adventure gaming,
aLLowing U to unlock new technologies, gameplay sYstems N graphic
upgrades as you progress through the game. Inspired by many cult seriEs
that havE left their mark in the RPG video gaming culture, Evoland takes
you from monochrome to full 3D graphics N from active tIme battles to
reAl tiMe B0SS fights, aLL with plenty of humor and references to many
claSSic games...
Features Games :
RevIsIt the starting arEa rendered in fuLL 3D 0R explore the overworld with your own airship.
PlAy through the history OF action,adventure video gameZ
N have fun with the dungeons, puzzles, a heap of secrets to uncover, N dozens of achievements N stars to collect.
DIscover manY evolutions, from old school 2D action,adventure to active time baTTles N full 3D actI0on.
System Requirements :
OS: Windows XP,Vista,7,8
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2 Ghz
Memory: 512
Hard Drive: 200 MB
Video Memory: 64 MB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive
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